RLA Laureate Manfred Max-Neef receives ASFAE Award 2018

Prof. Manfred Max-Neef, Director of the RLC Campus Valdivia, was awarded a prestigious prize by the Asociación de Directivos Superiores, Negocios o Empresas de Chile (ASFAE).
The ASFAE is an institution composed of deans and senior managers of Chilean universities that offers careers in the areas of administration, business or companies. It honors the most outstanding representatives of Chile for their academic and professional contributions in the area of administration and business. “I received many awards in various countries of the world and this is the first time I receive a Chilean recognition”, said Max-Neef when receiving the award. In his speech he highlighted the enormous challenges today’s world is challenged with, but still raised some hopeful thoughts as well: “I still hope that we can still reverse many issues. For that there are places where responsibility is anchored, one of which is the University. The call I make is that these institutions still have time to react and realise, that we have to start teaching a profoundly different economy.”

Max-Neef received the Right Livelihood Award in 1983 for revitalising small and medium sized communities through ‘Barefoot Economics`.

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