Conflict over Ltungai Conservancy: A Case of Fatal Competition over Grazing Land and Water among the Samburu and Pokot in north-western Kenya

Willis Okumu photo (2)by Willis Okumu

PhD student at the RLC Campus Bonn, published a working paper  on “Conflict over Ltungai Conservancy: A Case of Fatal Competition over Grazing Land and Water among the Samburu and Pokot in north-western Kenya”, in: Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe (eds.) “A Delicate Balance Land Use, Minority Rights and Social Stability in the Horn of Africa”, Institute of Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa University.

Mr. Okumu is pursuing his PhD research at Center for Development Research in Bonn under the title “Cattle Raids, Violence and Institutional Change in Northern Kenya: The Case of Samburu and Turkana Pastoralists”. He is currently doing field research in northern Kenya.

The paper can be read or downloaded here.