Current activities of RLC Córdoba

RLC Córdoba is currently working on the accomplishments of two agreements.

One with the Faculty of Medicine (Master on Children and Maternal Health), whose students (wave 2016) will produce reports/research in the context of the chair of “Ecology and Health”. Most of the issues to be developed are linked with current social needs of research and practice proposals for the ground. Most of the  postgraduate students are Physicians or work in the ground with vulnerable communities.

This research can be useful for health centres (e.g. public hospitals) and vulnerable communities.

The second agreement involve the German University of Kassel with the main issue of technical support of two small museums on ethnology and archaeology of the Comechingones (local) indigenous people managed by local people (Mina Clavero, West of the province of Córdoba). Such project includes descendants of the Comechingones people living in Córdoba. Through these museums we will enhance local knowledge on indigenous past (and present), and local tourism.

RLC Córdoba is also finishing a technical advice on the most polluted region of Mexico (and one of the most polluted in the World) in Apaxco Totonilco. Representatives of RLC Córdoba have been there in the ground with affected people and local organisations, in a joint work involving the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. RLC Córdoba was asked to technically produce a report on the general situation, helping them in future steps.