In June 2016, Indian laureate Vandana Shiva (RLA 1993) visited the municipality of Malvinas Argentinas (in Córdoba province), the town where Monsanto illegally started building the world’s largest plant for genetically modified maize seeds (3.5 million bags per year). Successful fights have temporarily stopped this project.
In that visit, she met RLA 2004 laureate Raul Montenegro, who has been working with the organised neighbours of Malvinas Argentinas since they started the resistance, in 2012. Together with “Malvinas lucha por la vida” (‘Malvinas fights for life’) and the citizens’ assembly, both laureates said “No to pesticides” and “Monsanto Out”.
Vandana Shiva also transmitted to Raul Montenegro her enthusiastic support to the recently founded Campus Córdoba of the Right Livelihood College (RLC) which is located in the Faculty of Psychology at the National University of Córdoba.