Professor Fidelis Allen, coordinator at RLC Port Harcourt, has jointly published an article together with Dr. Zainab Mai-Bornu (University of Leicester), Professor Roy Maconachie (University of Bath) and Dr. Miho Taka (Coventry University) on ‘Green Futures for Environmental Peacebuilding in Nigeria: Challenges and opportunities for oil producing communities in the Niger Delta’.
This article is a contribution to a compendium of 50 entries on the future of environmental peacebuilding, written by 150 authors in a collective effort to chart a future course of action, and initiated by The Geneva Peacebuilding Platform (GPP). Learn more about the White Paper here.
The project will be collated and launched on February 2nd, 2022 at the International Conference for Environmental Peacebuilding, online and in Geneva, Switzerland. You can check out all publications of the project here.