RLC Bonn junior researcher Dorothy Birungi has written an article on “Agricultural Cooperatives and COVID-19 in Southeast Africa. The Role of Managerial Capital for Rural Resilience”, together with Nicola Franscesconi (Royal Tropical Institute KIT) and Fleur Wouterse (Global Center on Adaptation GCA), which was published in Sustainability by MDPI.
The article aims to understand how resilient smallholder-owned organizations are in light of COVID-19 related distancing measures, market closure and mobility reduction.
Dorothy’s research focusses on “Agroecological Intensification of smallholder farming systems through perennial Pigeon pea/Sorghum husbandry in Northern Uganda” and is linked to the larger project “Perennial polyculture farming in Uganda: Towards increased sustainability, resilience and livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Among others, she works together with the Land Institute, Kansas, USA who received the Right Livelihood Award in 2000, and the RLC Campus Lund.
Learn more about Dorothy’s research here.