From July 1 to 3, 2019, the RLC Campus Bonn organised its first Alumni workshop focusing on “Agricultural and Social Transformation – Securing Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa”. 17 (development) academics and practitioners from eight countries in Sub-Sahara Africa presented innovative projects in the areas of natural resource management, agricultural transformation, as well as cross-cutting fields like education, health, and governance. Two representatives of ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’-awarded organisations attended the event;
Dr. David Amudavi, Executive Director of Biovision Africa Trust, Kenya (Right Livelihood Award 2013), gave a talk on the trend towards ecologically sustainable agriculture in Africa. Mr. Jumanta Gakelebone reported on the struggle of the First People of the Kalahari (Right Livelihood Award 2005), and critically discussed the consequences of “development” and “modernisation” to rural communities in Botswana.
Dr. Fidelis Allen, Acting Director of the Centre for Conflict and Gender Studies and Coordinator of the RLC Campus at Port Harcourt University, in Nigeria presented his research on environmental and social consequences of oil extraction in the Niger Delta in Nigeria.
During the three-day programme, the RLC organised trans-disciplinary discussion groups as well science-practice networking meetings at the Federal Office of Agriculture and Food (BLE), the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and IFOAM Organics International.
The event was an excellent opportunity for RLC alumni to establish new professional contacts and exchange knowledge with representatives of ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’-awarded organisations Award, as well as federal offices, ministries, and NGOs working in the areas of development cooperation, agriculture and food.
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