“Assessing trends in land use change in the Borana rangeland Ethiopia as one cause of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration variations”

“Assessment of the Drivers and Trends in Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Arid and Semi-Arid Rangelands and Its Impacts on Carbon Sequestration Potentials”

“Conflict of Interests, Claims of Entitlement and Power Positions Among Actors over a Protected Area in Southern Ethiopia – the Nech Sar National Park Case”

“Enhancing renewable energy deployment in Malawi through climate finance instruments: policy challenges and prospects”

“Growth, Water Relations, Yield and Quality of Ethiopia Kales (Brassica carinata) and Spider Plant (Cleome gynandra), Two African Leafy Vegetables as Influenced by different Water Saving Strategies in Urban and Peri-Urban Kenya”

“The socio-economic Impact of the declining Mining Industry on Local Communities: The Case of Merafong City Local Municipality”