On August 26th 2021 at 7-9 am UTC/GMT, the Right Livelihood College Bangkok organised a special public session of the Earth Trusteeship Working Group (ETWG). Members of the WG and external experts presented an overview of the diversity of angles and perspectives of Earth Trusteeship, with particular attention to underlying dimensions of spirituality, interfaith collaboration and secular eco-philosophy.
This is in line with the original inspiration of Right Livelihood Laureate Christopher Weeramantry (1926 – 2017), Sri Lanka, who was a Vice President of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Judge Weeramantry’s strong opinion was that in addition to treaties among nation-states – like the Global Pact for the Environment now in discussion in the UN framework – civil society can establish customary international law. A political statement of UN member states on the Global Pact will be presented at the historic occasion of “Stockholm+50” in June 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden. ETWG prepares a civil society statement and campaign which advocates Earth Trusteeship as an overarching principle of international environmental law. One way of articulating Earth Trusteeship is “All global citizens are equal trustees of the Earth”. Adoption of this principle is a precondition for successful ecosystem restoration and for sustainable food citizenship, if not climate justice.
Two Right Livelihood Laureates kindly joined the exchange: Alyn Ware, Peace Educator from New Zealand, Coordinating Laureate; and Nnimmo Bassey from Nigeria, Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) who opened the first International Earth Trusteeship Gathering in The Hague in June 2018. Another guest was Neshan Gunasekera from Sri Lanka, Co-Chair of ETWG.
All people interested were cordially invited to join the discourse. If you would like to attend the event and get the zoom link, please write an email to RLC Bangkok coordinator Hans von Willenswaard.