(from left to right) David Shaw, Christian Henríquez, Chris Benner & Angela Morales
From August 21-23, 2019, RLC Campus Santa Cruz Coordinator David Shaw visited the RLC Campuses in Valdivia, Chile and Córdoba, Argentina, for research trips, lectures and faculty meetings aiming to strengthen bilateral partnerships and collaborations.
Upon his arrival he met with Angela Moráles, RLC Valdivia Staff coordinator. Furthermore, David Shaw got together with the Dean of the Faculty of Economics to discuss possibilities to enhance the cooperation between the Universidad Austral de Chile and the University of California (UCSC). Afterwards he participated in the RLC Valdivia lecture series “Dialogues on Human Scale” with Juan Pablo Orrego (Right Livelihood Award 1998), Chris Benner (Sociologist, UCSC) and Fernando Leiva (Economist, UCSC). On his last day in Valdivia, Shaw met with Christian Henríquez, Coordinator of the RLC Campus Valdivia as well as with students of the Transdisciplinary Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM).
Within these days, the RLC Campus Valdivia and the RLC Campus Santa Cruz were able to set up a mutual MoU for future partnerships focussing on faculty, graduate and undergraduate research and education collaborations between the Santa Cruz Institute for Social Transformation and the Valdivia Transdisciplinary Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM) and the Master programme of Human Scale Development & Ecological Economics, both of which were founded by the Right Livelihood Award Laureate Manfred Max-Neef († 2019).
In Cordoba, David Shaw met with RLC coordinator and Laureate Raul Montenegro, Dolores Hernandez from University Relations, and the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology to discuss ways the National University of Cordoba and the University of California Santa Cruz can collaborate.
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